Parent Involvement Plan
Parent Involvement Policy
The Adler Elementary School staff knows that parents are the first educators of their children. We are committed to developing school programs and activities that equip our parents and/or guardians with needed skills and resources to assist their children in attaining their highest potential. The following parental involvement strategies will be implemented to help with student achievement:
Parents will be invited and strongly urged to attend building level meetings including the annual Title I meeting, to receive information on supplemental programs to support students in the areas of Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies as well as other services to be delivered during the school year.
Parents and students will be involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of school improvement and Title I plans through participation on School Improvement Teams and/orTitle I Parent Advisory Committees.
Parents will be encouraged to use technological tools to gain immediate access to their child’s academic progress and programming (i.e., personal computers, building computer facilities, District web site, Educational Access Channel, Webinars, Parent Connect, Zangle, etc.)
Parent involvement and networking activities will be held to enhance parent/guardian capacity to work with children at home.
Parent Resource rooms will be available to parents/guardians to foster greater connections between home and school.
Parents will be involved in the annual evaluation of the school parent involvement policy and building plan to identify any barriers (such as limited English proficiency, limited literacy, disability, etc.) and devise strategies to improve parental involvement.
Parents will be encouraged to complete evaluation sheets as a means of providing feedback on the effectiveness of a parent involvement program or activity.
Parents will sign commitment contracts that will describe the home school partnership between parents, students, and teachers as a means to improve student achievement.
The district and school parent involvement policies that meet the NCLB requirements of Section 1118 will be posted in the school’s main office and parent resource room.
Adopted by consensus October 2011