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Positive Behavior


Adler Elementary School is currently in the second year of implementing the Positive Behavior Support (PBS) program that focuses on improving student behavior and changing the school culture. The three concepts that are utilized are for our students to "Be Responsible, Be Respectful, and Be Safe." PBS is a school-wide initiative that focuses on the aforementioned behaviors in all areas of the school. These include, but are not limited to the classrooms, bathrooms, office, cafeteria, hallways, playground, the school bus, and arrival/departure.

The goal of the PBS program is for our students to consistently use appropriate and positive language, use good manners, follow all staff directions the first time given, and respect all teachers and peers. There are a host of other rules that staff members focus on as it relates to the core areas of being respectful, responsible, and safe.

The PBS team consists of several staff members who meet bi-weekly to focus on planning for the PBS assemblies, implementing new strategies, and developing plans for new students who enter Adler to adapt to the system. The PBS assemblies occur once a month where the entire school gathers to focus on a particular aspect of Positive Behavior. The topic may be anti-bullying, respect for others, cultural sensitivity, and other behavior related topics.

Adler Elementary is committed to excellence and the PBS program is a part of that commitment. We recognize our students by giving them PBS coupons when they are "caught being good." Being good can be an array of behaviors that teachers deem to be important as it relates to positive behavior. These may include, but are not limited to being kind to a classmate, appropriate behavior in the hallway, completing all classwork/homework assignments etc. Each week the student's who received a coupon has an opportunity to be student of the week.

Their names are drawn and if they are chosen they are allowed to choose a prize, and also have their picture taken. The student's pictures are posted on Adler's PBS wall for everyone to see as they enter the building. The student's picture represents the fact that he/she has committed to the PBS program and are being recognized for his/her efforts.

The Adler Eagles are flying high with success and the PBS program!