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Remote Learning

Remote Learning

We wanted to find a way to make you smile and let you know we are always thinking of you! We love and miss you dearly! Please enjoy our video message: OUR ADLER FAMILY


                                                SPS Hot Topic Q&A


                                                                                                         Click this link


                                               Helpful Quick Links

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                                          Adler's Learning Schedule

                                                                                                         Click this link


                                    Adler's Parent Orientation Slide Show

                                                                                                    Click this link


                                        MiStar Support

                                                                               Click this link


                                 Getting Ready for iReady

                                                                                   Parent Letter

                                                                         Powerpoint Presentation




Kindergarten Teachers

Mrs. Barnette

Ms. Morrison

Ms. Towns


First Grade Teachers


Ms. Jordan

Mrs. Lockridge

Ms. Molner


Second Grade Teachers


Ms. Artis

Mrs. Hittie

Mrs. Jennings




Third Grade Teachers

Mrs. Huff

Ms. Johnson

Mrs. Thomas


Fourth Grade Teachers


Mrs. Fredericks

Mr. Haugen

Ms. James


Fifth Grade Teachers

Mrs. Babridge

Ms. Stegger

Ms. Turner


Support Classroom Teachers

Mrs. Jones  (ASD Classroom)

Mrs. Jackson  (Grade K - 3 ELA and Math)

Ms. Alston  (Grades 4 & 5 ELA and Math)

Mrs. Avery and Mr. Wilson  (Grades K-3 ELA and Math)


Special Class Teachers


Mrs. Barker  - Physical Education (Gym)

Ms. Butler   - Art (Visual)

Mrs. Busch   - Music



Ms. Williams  - Adler's Social Worker

Social Emotional Learning

Ms. Williams Helpful Tips

Parenting Moments

COVID-19 Resources

Michigan Resource Guide

Fun Activities